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About Me

I am an assistant researcher at the Institut of Computer Science of the University of Heidelberg (Germany). The focus of my research is on Algorithmic Randomness and Computable Analysis.


PhD in Mathematics


Languages: RU / DE / EN / FR



2017 — 2023

Mathematics, Promotion

University of Heidelberg

Dissertation "Solovay reducibility and speedability outside of left-c.e. reals" in the field of Algorithmic Randomness under the supervision of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Merkle

2013 — 2017

Mathematics, M.Sc.
University of Heidelberg

Master thesis "Strukturelle Eigenschaften des Weihrauch-Verbandes" in the field of Computable Analysis under the supervision of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Merkle

2009 — 2013

Mathematics, B.Sc.
University of Heidelberg

Bachelor thesis "Vollständigkeitsbegriffe für die Exponentialzeitklassen" in the field of Complexity Theory under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Klaus Ambos-Spies


Speedable left-c.e. numbers

(with Wolfgang Merkle)

Computer Science - Theory and Applications, 15th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2020), Yekaterinburg, Russia, June 29 - July 2, 2020

Proceedings, Springer LNCS, volume 12159, pp. 303-313

A total Solovay reducibility and totalizing of the notion
of speeda

(with Wolfgang Merkle)

13th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, July 6-10, 2022

Proceedings, vol.II, pp. 68-78

Extending the Limit Theorem of Barmpalias and Lewis-Pye to all reals

submitted for publication, 2024

Solovay reducibility implies S2a-reducibility

submitted for publication, 2024

Conference Talks

Total Solovay reducibility and uniform Schnorr reducibility

Workshop "Randomness, Information, Complexity"

Moscow, 2019

Speedable left-c.e. numbers

15th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2020)

Yekaterinburg, 2020

Monotone Solovay reducibility and speedability

18th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2021)

Munich, 2021

Total variants of Solovay reducibility and speedability

13th Panhellenic Logic Symposium (PLS 2021)

Volos, 2022

Monotone Solovay reducibility

16th International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2023)

Kochel am See, 2023

Convergence speed of Cauchy sequences vs relative
randomness of their limits

Conference "Randomness, Information & Complexity"

CIRM, Marseille, 2024

My contacts

Institut für Informatik

Universität Heidelberg

Im Neuenheimer Feld 205 (Mathematikon), Raum 2.215

69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Thank you for contacting me!

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